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Focus on Technology Development and Application of Nano Ceramic Building Materials
中文关键词:  纳米陶瓷  建筑材料  研发应用  发展趋势
英文关键词:nano materials  building materials  research and development application  development trend
肖永清 湖北十堰新型化学材料公司十堰 442001 
摘要点击次数: 6580
全文下载次数: 4071
      Ceramic material as one of the three pillars, in the daily life and plays an important role in industrial production. With the widely application of the nanotechnology, nano ceramic produce, make the ceramic like metal flexible and machinability. For magic nano technology gestates technological change, the performance characteristics of nanometer ceramics are analyzed, the author introduces the application of nanotechnology in the field of ceramic, the preparation of nano ceramics was studied, at the same time points out the development trend of high performance ceramics and nanometer ceramics.
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